Class permissions and offerings

Enrolling in classes

Navigating class permissions and exploring diverse course offerings are essential aspects of tailoring one's graduate education to align with specific academic aspirations. Below, you'll find detailed information on how to navigate enrollment and course offerings available to graduate students.

Class Permissions

If you are attempting to add a course that requires instructor consent, department consent, is reserved for a specific group of students, or similar, you may be blocked from adding the course. You may request an override using the Google Form linked below. However, please read through the details below to ensure you are submitting a valid request.

  • The SOLS Graduate Office is only permitted to provide overrides for graduate level (500+) courses in SOLS. If you need access to a SOLS undergraduate course (100-400 level), please email with your request. If you would like an override into a non-SOLS course, you will need to contact the other department directly to inquire about their process for a possible override.
  • Many classes do not require an override, so if you are running into an issue, please be sure to check that you are attempting to add the correct course. For instance, research and thesis/dissertation hours do not require an override. However, you will only have access to the appropriate research and thesis/dissertation course for your specific degree. Biology PhD students will only be able to access BIO 792 Research and BIO 799 Dissertation. Biology MS students will only be able to access BIO 592 Research and BIO 599 Thesis.
  • If the add course deadline has passed within the semester you are seeking an override, then this request is no longer sufficient for adding the course. Instead of filling out the form linked below, please contact The SOLS graduate office will review your request and determine whether or not it is possible to get you into the course after the add deadline. 

View request form

Online Course Offerings

If you are an online MS Biology student, you may use the spreadsheet linked below to see a live update of which courses are being offered in which term and session.

You may notice that courses run in the A session, B session, or C session. This tells you during which dates courses will be running. C session courses run the full length of the semester, 16 weeks. A session courses run during the first half of the semester, and B session courses run during the second half of the semester. Both A and B session courses are 8-week courses. Most online courses are A or B session courses, while most on campus courses are C session courses.

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