Internship information for employers

Internship information for employers

Thank you for your interest in providing our students with a rewarding internship experience. Our internship program provides School of Life Sciences students with an opportunity to earn academic credit, while learning new skills to help them achieve their personal educational and career goals.

We expect our student interns to be supervised, and for each internship to include meaningful, project-based work. In order for ASU students to receive academic credit for their pending internship experiences, ASU requests a valid Student Placement Agreement (SPA) between the employer and ASU to help ensure a safe supportive learning environment and meet Arizona Board of Regents requirements.  Once the student applies for enrollment into the internship course, the Internship Coordinator will contact you to begin the process of signing the SPA.  

Please download our Employer Information Packet for more further information on this course.

Our student internship goals

  • To enhance our undergraduate degree programs by connecting students to experts in professional settings
  • To provide opportunities for students to gain professional and scientific experience by using current technology and contributing to significant projects
  • To provide opportunities for building interpersonal communication, teamwork and leadership skills
  • To help students network with professionals in many industries
  • To help students develop a resume that reflects key skills and accomplishments 

Student participation requirements

  • 2.75 GPA
  • 45 credit hours completed
  • All internships must be related to a student’s degree program

Required work hours

To earn academic credit, a student must work the following number of hours:

  • 270 hours = 6 credits
  • 225 hours = 5 credits
  • 180 hours = 4 credits
  • 135 hours = 3 credits
  • 90 hours = 2 credits
  • 45 hours = 1 credit

Is an employer required to pay an intern?

Internships may be either paid or unpaid (Department of Labor Guidelines).

To post your internship opportunity with ASU

Register as an Employer through Handshake.

Questions? Contact ASU Online Internship Coordinator Ivy Esquibel or on-ground Internship Coordinator Christine Ditter

Information for students

Internship opportunities

Information for faculty