Applying to graduate

Applying to graduate

Steps for applying to graduate

  1. Register for your final semester.
  2. Check your degree requirements.
  3. Verify your approved Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) is correct and/or complete any needed course changes. 

From My ASU, select the Graduation tab from your My Programs box and follow the online instructions. A credit card is required to complete your application.

Application deadlines

  • Fall: Oct. 1
  • Spring: Feb. 15
  • Summer: June 15

If the application deadline falls on a weekend or university holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next business day.

Session A degree conferral

Students who have completed all degree requirements after the completion of Session A courses can choose to have their degree conferred early. After completing your application for graduation (see above), complete the Session A Degree Conferral Request to request that your degree be posted after the completion of Session A. 

Graduation letter requests

Use the graduation letter request form to request a Graduation Pending Letter, Letter of Completion, or a Letter of Invitation from the Graduation Office. We often receive requests of this nature from students who have a job or postdoc lined up after their degree. Please note that a Graduation Pending Letter or Letter of Completion will only be provided if you have successfully defended, completed all graduation deadline steps (including your final ProQuest upload), and had your Z grades changed to Y (done by the SOLS graduate office after your ProQuest upload is complete). For MS Biology Coursework and Capstone students, you must have completed your capstone project and received a grade. If you have not completed these steps but need to confirm with your future employer that your graduation is pending, please contact to request a less formal letter.

Graduation term change

Students that apply for graduation will not be eligible to register for subsequent semesters without being admitted to a new degree program. Students that wish to change their graduation semester after they have applied must contact the graduation office at and notify them of their new intended semester of graduation prior to the conferral date of their original graduation semester.  

Registering for ceremonies

Students are not required to attend graduation ceremonies. However, if you wish to register for ceremonies, this is a separate process apart from applying to graduate or scheduling a defense. 

Register for graduation ceremonies