Progress reports

Progress reports

Measuring your success

Progress reports in academia are essential tools for tracking and evaluating the ongoing development and performance of students working towards their degree, providing valuable feedback to guide future academic efforts and ensure successful outcomes.

What is the annual SOLS progress report? 

Annually, SOLS requires students to submit various items for review by the department. In addition to student submissions, we ask faculty advisors for students in thesis and dissertation programs to submit evaluations for their students. These materials are used by SOLS graduate programs and individual program directors to measure student progress and success, as well as to submit for university program assessment purposes which occurs annually.

Who has to submit the annual SOLS progress report?

All on campus SOLS Graduate students are required to submit their annual progress report, including graduate students in their final semester and in their first semester. Students in their first or final semester may have briefer submissions. Please feel free to adjust the required materials as needed if you are in either of these scenarios. Progress reports are required for MS Biology - Coursework & Capstone students as well, but the submission materials are different so please review the requirements below.

Please note: Students who do not submit their annual SOLS progress report by the deadline could become ineligible for TA/RA funding, travel awards, and other opportunities. 

Requirements for students in a program with a thesis or dissertation

Progress report timeline

  • SOLS Graduate Office emails announcement and link to submit progress report materials: Feb. 1
  • Deadline for students to submit progress reports: March 1
  • Deadline for advisors to submit their evaluations: April 1
  • Deadline for Program Directors to finalize their evaluations of student and advisor submissions: May 1
  • SOLS Graduate Office sends notices and instructions to students and advisors if progress issues exist: June - July
  • SOLS Graduate Office submits data from collected progress reports to the University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness: Sept.

How do I submit the annual SOLS progress report?

SOLS Graduate Programs will send out a notification email on February 1 with the link to the progress report Airtable form, here. Students will fill out the form and upload all required documents to the provided Dropbox link. SOLS Graduate Programs will send over your information to your faculty advisor and program director(s).

Submission requirements

  • 1-page description of your thesis or dissertation research, placed in the context of the scholarly literature (references need not be included)
  • 1‐page reflection on the progress you have made towards your degree during the last calendar year. Include:
    • A summary of your primary accomplishments and challenges in: (1) research, (2) coursework and program milestones, (3) teaching and mentoring, and (4) service or outreach
    • A list of any publications (most recent academic year only but including manuscripts in preparation or in review)
    • A list of any presentations (include informal talks such as lab meetings)
  • An updated and comprehensive version of your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • A copy of your unofficial transcripts
  • Brief timeline with:
    • Expected dates to advance to candidacy (if applicable) and defend your thesis/dissertation
    • Your best guess about funding for each semester from now until your final defense

Students are also required to have an annual committee meeting and must provide the date of their most recent annual meeting. For students in their final semester, the defense can be used as the annual meeting. For students that advanced to candidacy, the comprehensive exams or prospectus may be used as the committee meeting.

Please contact if you need help with updating your iPOS or finalizing your committee. You may also want to consult with your major advisor and Program Director(s) on the scientific content of this report.

Requirements for students in the MS Biology (Coursework & Capstone)

Progress Report timeline

  • SOLS Graduate Office emails announcement and link to submit progress report materials: Feb. 1
  • Deadline for students to submit progress reports: March 1
  • Deadline for Program Directors to finalize their evaluations of student submissions: May 1
  • SOLS Graduate Office sends notices and instructions to students and faculty as relevant if progress issues exist: June - July
  • SOLS Graduate Office submits data from collected progress reports to the University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness: Sept.

How do I submit the Annual SOLS Progress Report?

SOLS Graduate Programs will send out a notification email on February 1st with the link to the progress report Airtable form, here. Students will fill out the form and upload all required documents to the provided Dropbox link.

Submission requirements

  • A brief reflection (up to one page) on the progress you have made towards your degree during the last calendar year. This should describe the classes you have taken. It should also state your current thoughts on what your capstone project will be about. If you are early in the program, then this might just be a general topic, but as you proceed through the program and take more classes, your capstone plans should become more specific.
  • An updated and comprehensive version of your Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • Screenshot of the “Student Profile” page of your iPOS showing that your iPOS has been officially approved.
  • A copy of your unofficial transcripts.
  • A brief timeline showing when you expect to take the capstone class and graduate.